Streamed Masses
Sunday Mass at 10:30 am; daily Mass at 8:00 am M-F and Sat at 9:00 am are streamed online.
Support your Parish Online
How to support your parish digitally.
Ministries of Service and Social Care
We are a welcoming, caring parish. Here’s how we may help.
St. Vincent De Paul Society
For assistance call 516-676-0676, x124 to leave a message. We will contact you ASAP.
Parish Calendar
Access our interactive Parish Calendar here.
Parish Outreach
Food free of charge and clothing/household items sold at our thrift shop.
Mass Schedule
M-F 8 am; Sat. 9 am; Sat Evening 4 pm, Sunday 8 am and 10:30 am.
Events Committee
St. Boniface is your parish! Celebrate special times with everyone!
Religious Education 2024-25
Learn about for our Religious Education program for the 2024/25 School year.
Jubilee 2025
The Jubilee Year of Hope marks the 2,025th anniversary of the Incarnation of our Lord.
New Roof Project
After years of patches, it is time to replace our Church, School and Rectory roofs.
Lent, Holy Week and Easter
Lent, Holy Week and Easter 2025 at St. Boniface Martyr Parish

Our Parish Bulletin
Our Parish Bulletin appears online each week and is shared on social media and by email.

Catholic Charities of LI
Assists the vulnerable with housing, nutrition, mental health, maternity and senior services.

St. Boniface Knitting Circle
Know how to knit? Want to learn? Join our Knitting Circle, Thursdays at 7 pm!

Men’s Ministry
Meets the second Saturday of each month 7:30-8:45am, at the school, Room 11. Need not be a member to attend.

Catholic Ministries Appeal
The support and commitment of individuals and organizations, we are able to serve more than 600,000 people on Long Island.

Charismatic Prayer Group
Looking for a deeper relationship with God? Join us Mondays at 7:30pm via Zoom.

Religious Education 2024-25
Learn about for our Religious Education program for the 2024/25 School year.

St. Vincent De Paul Society
For assistance call 516-676-0676, x124 to leave a message. We will contact you ASAP.

Streamed Masses
Sunday Mass at 10:30 am; daily Mass at 8:00 am M-F and Sat at 9:00 am are streamed online.

Offers youth the opportunity to grow as contributing members of their teams, parish and community.
History of St. Boniface

125th Anniversary Celebration
An Anniversary Mass and Celebration took place at St. Boniface on September 16, 2023.

A Parish Is Born, 1898
Mission priests visited the Catholics of Sea Cliff until St. Boniface Martyr Parish was founded in 1898. A new church building replaced borrowed quarters at the turn of the last century. Read more about our earliest years here.

Our Community Grows, c. 1900 – c. 1957
Our Parish survived hard times in the first half of the 20th Century (even opening a school on the eve of the Great Depression), and grew with the rest of Long Island.

St. Boniface Expands 1956-90
Our Parish matured and grew into a new Church building at St. Boniface during the same era which saw the establishment of a new Diocese on Long Island and a new dawn for the universal Church.

Approaching a New Century, c. 1980 – c. 1999
St. Boniface Martyr Parish faces the changes and embraces the opportunities of a new millennium.

Church Renovation 2015
A 3 year effort aimed at ”Renewing and Restoring the House of God” came to joyful fruition on April 12, 2015 when Bishop Murphy dedicated and consecrated our newly renovated church.