Farewell BBQ for Fr. Bob

Fr Bob Farewell PosterJoin us at a Farewell BBQ honoring Fr. Bob at the Crescent Beach Club on Wednesday, June 17, 2015, 6:30 – 9:30 pm.

  • Tickets will be sold after all Masses and at the Parish Office starting May 24th.
  • All are welcome, but you must purchase a ticket in advance!!
  • Ticket includes dinner, all non-alcoholic drinks and a gift.
  • If anyone wishes to give their own gift there will be a table at the dinner for that purpose.
  • There will be open seating and the event will be on the beach level  (weather permitting).

All Saints Headmaster’s Ball

Please consider placing an ad honoring the St. Boniface Honorees at All Saints Catholic School Annual Headmaster’s Ball:

 Ray and Bobbie McDonald

Special Guest of Honor:  Fr. Bob

Sponsorship Form

Easter Sunday 2015


Easter CrossHoly Saturday, April 4
(in Church)
7:30pm The Easter VigilEaster Sunday Masses, April 5
(in Church)8am, 10:15am & 12 noon
Crucifix“He humbled Himself, obediently accepting even death, death on a cross.” Ph 2:8As a Christian people, we are entering the holiest and most solemn week of our year. During these days we celebrate what we call the “Paschal Mystery.” The paschal mystery is the fulfillment of the promises first revealed in the Old Testament and now bought to perfection and completion in the actions of Jesus. Beginning in Genesis and the fall of humanity through the sin of Adam and Eve, God has prepared the human race for the acts that would restore our relationship to God. The Church calls, us in a special way, to enter into the mystery and joy of these days. I invite and encourage you to join with the community and participate in these days of our salvation.

– Fr. Bob


Holy Week/Easter 2015 Photo Galleries

 Palm Sunday 2015

Palm Sunday 2015;  last  Mass in the gym before returning to our renovated church.

Palm Sunday 2015; last Mass in the gym before returning to our renovated church.

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Holy Thursday 2015


Holy Thursday 2015; the first Mass celebrated in the church as we neared the completion of renovations.

The Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday, April 2, 2015, was the first Mass celebrated in the church as renovations neared completion.

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Good Friday 2015

On Good Friday evening, our Youth Group led us in Stations of the Cross and Adoration of the Cross

On Good Friday evening, our Youth Group led us in Stations of the Cross and Adoration of the Cross

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Easter Vigil 2015

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Easter Sunday 2015

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Open Parish Meeting

There will be an Open Meeting for all parishioners to offer input into the appointment of a new Pastor for St. Boniface Martyr Parish. Parishioners will be invited to indicate the skills and qualities they feel are necessary to lead the parish into the future and to share their thoughts on specific needs the parish may have.

Bishop Andrej, the Vicar, Fr. Bill Slater from the North Hempstead Deanery and Msgr. Peter Pflomm, Director of Clergy Personnel, will be present to conduct and participate in the meeting on Tuesday, March 10, 2015 at 7pm in the St. Boniface Gym.

Renovation Photos


A wall opened to begin work on the new narthex (gathering area).


Work beginning on the hanging lights in the church.


Work on the hanging lights was completed before the Church was closed for the next next steps of the renovation.

Christmas Party 2014

Christmas Creche Blessing, Caroling and Christmas Party 2014

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Religious Education Catechist Invitation

Religious Ed thumbThe St. Boniface Catechist Invitation will be held on August 17th after the 10:15am mass on the Parish Center Porch.

This is an invitation for all parishioners interested in learning more about our commitment to Jesus’ command to “go out and teach all people.”  It is an opportunity to chat with our current group of wonderful Religious Education volunteers and hear more about the rewards of being a part of the youth Faith Formation of our parish.  Learn more about the St. Boniface Religious Education/Faith Formation Program.

To improve our ever growing program we need volunteers.  Come ask about the training and support we offer.  Our teachers and DRE will be there to answer your questions.  Team teaching is encouraged so bring a friend and join us!”

We also need assistance with refreshments;  if you can help please let Lorraine O’Sullivan know at lorraine.osullivan.ccd@gmail.com.


Karen Croce

Feast by the Shore 2014

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The Harvest is Plenty

The Harvest is Plentiful“The Harvest is Plenty” is a pastoral letter from Bishop William Murphy, Bishop of the Diocese of Rockville Centre.


Click here to read a digital edition of Bishop Murphy’s letter.