Senior Citizens Prom

Please join us at the Senior Citizens Prom after 12 Noon Mass Sunday Feb 2, 2020.
Join us at the Senior Citizens Prom
after 12 Noon Mass Feb 2, 2020

Please join us at the Senior Citizens Prom after 12 Noon Mass Sunday Feb 2, 2020.



Mingling Mondays… February 3, March 2 and June 1, 2020 at 7 pm in the Faith Formation Office on the first floor of the School building.

This is an opportunity to keep informed about the parish and how you can be a part of it.  Please join us for beverage and conversation. Got questions? Good, bring them with you! All parishioners welcome!

Future Mingling Mondays: February 3, March 2 and June 1, 2020 at 7 pm

Passover Seder


Come to our first MOCK PASSOVER SEDER 

Learn about this special meal and the traditions and meanings within it.

There will be two different days that this  hands-on participation & presentation will be offered:

Thursday, March 5th or Monday, March 9th in the First Floor Classroom, of the school building, both at 7:00 pm.

Please email Belinda: to reserve your spot(s) with the number of people attending.

Sponsored by the Faith Formation Office

Giving Tuesday Thank You

Thank you for your prayers and support on GIVING TUESDAY!  

If you were unable to give on Giving Tuesday, there is still time to join in!  Just click this Faith Direct Button for the easiest way to make your
Giving Tuesday Gift
(select “make a one time gift” and write
“Giving Tuesday” in the note section)

What is “Giving Tuesday”?

Giving Tuesday is a global day of giving which has developed in recent years as a positive reaction to the hype of “Black Friday”and “Cyber Monday”.  It is a wonderful antidote to the frantic consumerism which sometimes threatens to swamp the true meaning of our Advent and Christmas seasons.

  • Please consider taking this opportunity to assist the mission of St. Boniface Martyr Parish.
  • Donations are safe, easy and online.
  • This is great chance to avail of the tax advantages provided by year-end giving.

Thank you for considering a gift to our Parish, and please spread the word of this opportunity among your friends and relatives on social media.

Click here to donate

Giving Tuesday 2019

What is “Giving Tuesday”?

Giving Tuesday is a global day of giving which has developed in recent years as a positive reaction to the hype of “Black Friday”and “Cyber Monday”.  It is a wonderful antidote to the frantic consumerism which sometimes threatens to swamp the true meaning of our Advent and Christmas seasons.

  • Please consider taking this opportunity to assist the mission of St. Boniface Martyr Parish.
  • Donations are safe, easy and online.
  • This is great chance to avail of the tax advantages provided by year-end giving.

Thank you for considering a gift to our Parish, and please spread the word of this opportunity among your friends and relatives on social media.

Good Friday

April 19: Good Friday

9 am Morning Prayer
3 pm Solemn Commemoration of the Lord’s Passion
4:30 – 6:00 pm Confessions
7:30 pm Stations of the Cross

April 20: Holy Saturday

9 am Morning Prayer
11 am-12 pm Confessions
12 pm Blessing of the Food
8 pm The Easter Vigil (no 5 pm Mass)

April 21: Easter SundayMasses at 9 am, 10:30 am, 12 pm

Holy Week and Easter

April 13 – 14: Passion (Palm) Sunday.

Masses: Saturday 5 pm; Sunday: 9 am 10:30 am, 12 pm
Sunday:  7:30 pm Youth Stations of the Cross

April 15: Penance Day,
(Diocesan Day of Reconciliation)
3 pm-9 pm (Individual Confessions)

April 18: Holy Thursday

9 am Morning Prayer
7:30 pm Solemn Mass of the Lord’s Supper

Adoration at Repository until 10:30 pm
Concludes with 10:30 pm Night Prayer

April 19: Good Friday

9 am Morning Prayer
3 pm Solemn Commemoration of the Lord’s Passion
4:30 – 6:00 pm Confessions
7:30 pm Stations of the Cross

April 20: Holy Saturday

9 am Morning Prayer
11 am-12 pm Confessions
12 pm Blessing of the Food
8 pm The Easter Vigil (no 5 pm Mass)

April 21: Easter Sunday. Masses at 9 am, 10:30 am, 12 pm

Feast by the Shore May 16 – 20

Click here to buy discounted tickets online for St. Boniface Feast By The Shore 2019

Please consider volunteering to help at this year’s Ninth Annual “Feast by the Shore.”  ALL ARE WELCOME!! It would be GREAT to see some new faces to help plan this year’s fun-filled Family Event.

Special Advanced Sales Savings!!

Buy discounted tickets online for St. Boniface Feast By The Shore 2019

Family Pack – 3 Ride Bracelets $22.00 ($23.76 w/service fee)
3 Ride Bracelets (Advance-Sale)

1 Ride Bracelet $24.00 ($25.83 w/service fee)
1 Ride Bracelet (Advance-Sale) Redeem any 1 day

(Advance-Sale offer ends at 11:59PM Wednesday, 5/15/19)

Lots of exciting rides for the kids and thrill seekers * St. Boniface food tent – Beer Garden next to stage with Great Bands! * Skill games for every age group, International Food Court * and much much more!

Thursday 6-10pm
Friday 6-11pm
Saturday 1-11pm
Sunday 1-6pm

Parish Lenten Mission

A Parish Lenten Journey with Jesus and Mary

Presented by Tony Belizzi
7:30 pm in the Church
April 8th, 9th and 10th, 2019

Tony Bellizzi is a retreat director, inspirational speaker, professional educator, performance artist, youth minister and prison minister. The Founder and Director of The Hope for the Children Foundation, Tony is also a published author of several books and CDs. Tony is “home grown” having received his M.A. from the Seminary of the Immaculate Conception in Huntington.

An evangelist for forty three years, Tony offers a wide variety of presentations in a simple down to earth style for every age group anywhere in the world and has lead several retreats for St. Ignatius Retreat House and St. Boniface Martyr Parish.

Tony conducts over 500 Spiritual Retreats annually, providing powerful experiences of God’s abundant love and mercy for Catholic Parishes and Schools. Tony’s inspirational retreats open hearts, energizes souls and changes lives by bringing people the Good News of the saving power of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and participation in the Life of His church.

Enhance your Lenten experience this year by joining us for our Parish Mission, A Parish Lenten Journey with Jesus and Mary at 7:30 pm at St. Boniface Martyr Church. You’ll be glad you did!

  • April 8: Opening up Your Heart to Jesus, Journeying with Our Lord Closer and Deeper than Ever Before.
  • April 9: Journey with Jesus, focusing on the topics and themes surfaced by the parish, plus the Journey with Jesus Guided Meditation Experience
  • April 10: Full of Grace – Mary as model of faith and her apparitions. To learn more about Tony Bellizzi and his many ministry projects, books and CDs, please visit and


Please spread the word among your high-school aged students, their friends and your neighbors. Each “Chat” takes just one hour a week for three weeks. The program is specially designed to give young people a chance to discuss and explore our faith; please visit our webpage and consider trying it.

As part of our continuous faith journey we wish to make available to young people a new avenue of growth, called #FaithChat, designed specifically by St. Boniface parishioners for our high school-aged Catholics.

#FaithChat consists of a number of “Chats” on various topics which take place in sessions throughout the year.  Each chat meets one day a week for three consecutive weeks.

Participants may choose one chat or several among sessions in October, November, January, February and March on Tuesdays or Wednesdays.  Chats take place in welcoming and comfortable new meeting areas which have been created in the school building and the Parish Center.

This video will tell you more about #FaithChat.  Our #FaithChat booklet and registration form are below.

View our #FaithChat video to learn more:

#FAITHCHAT from MyStoryVideo on Vimeo.

Read our #FaithChat booklet (click to flip pages) to see #FaithChat listings:

To register, please complete and submit this form:

Please Note:   #FaithChat requires the use of gathering spaces conducive to discussion groups.  Any used sofas, armchairs, bean bag chairs or similar items are needed to create these spaces.  If you have such an item that you wish to donate to the program please contact Mrs. Croce at 516-671-0418 or  Thank you for your continued support and devotion to the faith formation of the young people in our parish community.