Catholic Ministries Appeal


Every year through the support and commitment of individuals and organizations, we are able to serve more than 600,000 people in our Long Island community.

The Catholic Ministries Appeal enables our Church to continue to form our youth and adults in the faith, promote the dignity of life, provide quality education to our young people, feed the hungry, and foster vocations to the priesthood.

Your generosity helps to make all of this, and so much more, possible!

Thank you for your support.

Learn all about the 2022 Ministries Appeal

St. Vincent De Paul Society

The St. Vincent de Paul Society meets on the Third Wednesday of the month at 7:30 pm in the parish center.

Please call 676-0676 x 124 for details. In the Gospel, we hear Simeon say to Mary: “… your own soul shall be pierced with a sword—so that the thoughts of many hearts may be laid bare.” Your generosity enables the Society of St. Vincent de Paul to bring hope to parents whose hearts are burdened with worries and concerns.

St. Vincent de Paul

We help people!

Meets on the third Wednesday of every month at 7:30 pm in the church narthex.  To give thanks for all that God has given to you, have you considered answering the call to help serve the poor by joining the St. Vincent de Paul Society? Call 516-676-0676 x124 for details.

In a spirit of justice, charity and personal involvement, the St. Vincent De Paul Society seeks to provide aid and comfort to the poor, the afflicted and the lonely.  Members of the Society make personal home visits; provide advocacy and support usually in the form of food vouchers, financial assistance, clothing and furniture.  (Training provided.)

“Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread”.  When we pray the Our Father, we ask God to provide our food and necessities. The majority of us receive sufficient food. Others do not. We can be our Father’s instrument by providing “bread” for the needy, particularly during these difficult times. You do this by your contributions to the St. Vincent de Paul Society

Thanks to all who contribute to our St. Boniface St. Vincent de Paul Conference. We were able to help many of our neighbors. Some people had no money for food, others no beds – they were sleeping on the floor – or there was no heat or electricity!

Help Those in Need on Long Island by donating your gently used furniture to the St. Vincent de Paul Society

  • We pick up items
  • We give furniture to our neighbors in need.
  • Your donations are tax-deductible

Buying a new car? Donate Your old one!  Donate your car, boat, motorcycle, or truck to help others!

Help us help others on Long Island by donating your motor vehicle, boat or even real estate.  Proceeds from sales of these items will go directly to helping our neighbors in need.

516-676-0676 x 124

At the Heart of the Vincentian Ministry is the “home visit”

by pairs of Vincentians, not as invasive bureaucrats, but rather caring representatives of Christ’s love, through the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. There is reciprocity, mutuality, in the service of Vincentians through the home visit that transforms the help from something that may have been humiliating into something that is honorable. The Vincentians performed approximately 915 hours in service to those neighbors during the last fiscal year.

The Society initially was started at St. Boniface when parishioners formed a conference in 1934. The “home visit”, unique to the ministry and character of the Society, provides an opportunity for the deprived to communicate their individual needs with dignity in the comfort of their homes, and for the Vincentian visitors to analyze and respond to those identified needs.  The Society respects their privacy and all information is kept confidential.

Sometimes the most appreciated benefit conveyed by the Vincentians is the fact that they cared enough to visit the needy and forgotten, regardless of race or religious belief.

St. Vincent de Paul’s Impact Across LI

 Summary of Services:

  •  Home Visits: 6,003
  •  Volunteer Hours: 119,217
  •  People Helped with Clothing: 3,346
  •  People Helped with Furniture: 1,848
  •  Total People Assisted: 150,000
  •  Hospital/Nursing Home/Hospital Visits: 9,206

Thanksgiving Day Mass


Thanksgiving Mass 9:30 AM

The St. Boniface Martyr Thanksgiving Day Mass, Thursday, November 25, will be at 9:30 am. There will be no 8 am mass that morning. The Mass intention will be thanksgiving for all the living and deceased parishioners of St. Boniface Martyr Church.

Thanksgiving Day Collection

The entire Thanksgiving Day Collection will be donated to the St. Boniface Martyr Society of St. Vincent de Paul. When you make a donation to the St. Vincent de Paul Society, you give hope to your neighbors in need.

To make a donation, you may use the special St. Vincent de Paul envelopes available in the vestibule of the church or any envelope marked “St. Boniface SVDP.”

You may deposit your donations in the St. Vincent de Paul donation box in the church vestibule, drop it off at the parish center (through the mail slot in the door), or mail it to:

St. Boniface SVDP
145 Glen Avenue
Sea Cliff, NY 11579

The Thanksgiving Day Mass will be streamed live and may be viewed at the following outlets:

“Charity is the cement which bind communities to God and persons to one another.”

St. vincent de paul

You may bring Thanksgiving food to be blessed to your pew
for 9:30 am Mass on Thanksgiving.
You and your food will be blessed from the altar
while you remain at your seat.
Food is not to be placed before the altar.

Blessing of the Crèche and Christmas Tree Lighting

Note: There will be a choral presentation of Handel’s Messiah in the Church on Sunday, December 5, the day after the creche blessing and tree lighting, at 4:00 pm. Learn more>>

Handel’s Messiah Dec 5

Ticket prices are $40 per person and include a reception in the church vestibule following the concert. Tickets are available after all the Masses every weekend in the month of November and at the Parish Center during the week from 9 am to 2:45 pm Monday through Thursday and 9 am to 1:15 pm on Friday.

NOTE: The Blessing of the Creche and Christmas Tree Lighting will take place on Saturday evening, December 4, following 5 pm Mass. Learn More>>

See our full Advent and Christmas Schedules:

The Giving Tree

Our Giving Tree will benefit our St. Boniface Martyr Parish St. Vincent de Paul Society..

You can help your neighbors in need feel special during this Christmas season by participating in this annual event.

Due to anticipated shipping delays and supply shortages, the Giving Tree was set up early this year, and is adorned with tags designating gift cards that may be purchased.

In order to deliver gifts to our neighbors in time for Christmas, we are requesting them by Sunday, November 21. Gift card suggestions are listed below. If you prefer using a check, please make it out to St. Vincent de Paul Society with Giving Tree in the memo area. You may deposit your gift card or check in the St. Vincent dePaul donation box, deliver it to the parish center, or mail it to:

St. Boniface SVDP Giving Tree
145 Glen Avenue
Sea Cliff, NY 11579

Giving Tree Gift Card Suggestions: Amazon; American Express, Best Buy; BJ’s , Burger King, Costco, CVS, Dunkin’ Donuts; Kohl’s; McDonald’s; Macy’s; Mastercard; Old Navy; Starbucks; Stop and Shop; TJ Maxx; Visa, Walmart

Your gift will go a long way in helping those served by our parish Vincentians.

If you have any questions, please call Susan Winslow at 516-671-7058. Thank you for your generosity!

Charity is the cement which binds Communities to God and persons to one another.  – St. Vincent de Paul

St. Vincent dePaul

Ministries of Service and Social Care

The primary goal of The Ministry of Service and The Ministry of Social Care at Saint Boniface Martyr Church is to serve both the Spiritual and Corporal needs of our neighbors and bring them and ourselves closer to God.  With the Eucharist and prayer at the center of our lives, our mission is to be a welcoming, caring, hospitable parish to all.

Here’s How We Will Help You:
Do you or someone you know require assistance with any of the following?If so, please contact:
Dealing with the loss of a loved oneThe Bereavement Support Group.
David Meagher at 516-676-0676 x 131
Arranging a home visit by a Priest or laypersonThe Parish Office at 516-676-0676
Rent, utility bills, clothing, furniture, other financial needs, or guidance with long term stabilityThe Saint Vincent de Paul Society.
Jovanna Lemonda at 516-676-0676. x 125
Receiving the sacraments at home, hospital, or Nursing HomeThe Parish Office 516-676-0676.
A Priest or Eucharistic Minister will contact you.
Food, clothing, household itemsThe Outreach Pantry and Thrift Shop
               Hours: Saturdays 10 am – 12 Noon
               Jody Fleischmann & David Meagher
               516-676-0676 x125

Statement on Vaccine Exemption

Diocese of Rockville Centre: “The Church cannot say that there is a “Catholic” religious objection
to the vaccine when one does not exist.”

Diocese of Rockville Centre Statement on Vaccine Exemption:

Information Regarding Requests for (Catholic) Religious Exemptions from Vaccines:

The Catholic Church does not morally oppose vaccines in and of themselves and has never taught that the use of vaccines is morally wrong. 

There is no Catholic moral or religious objection to vaccines in general (as, for example, the ones Jehovah’s Witnesses have to receiving a blood transfusion). 

“Some people are asking the Catholic Church to support a religious exemption from the COVID vaccines. This issue should be properly pursued on civil liberties grounds, or on the grounds of one’s “personal” beliefs, but not on the basis of the teachings of the Catholic Church. The Church cannot say that there is a “Catholic” religious objection to the vaccine when one does not exist.”

Diocese of Rockville Centre

Although taking vaccines is morally permitted by the teaching of the Catholic Church, is there an objection to the COVID vaccine in particular? 

The answer to this question may be found on the website of the Diocese of Rockville Centre’s Office of Human Life, Family and Bioethics ( 

Simply put, a Catholic can morally and licitly receive all the COVID vaccines currently available, although there are differences between them. On moral grounds, it is suggested to avoid the Johnson and Johnson vaccine and Astra Zeneca vaccines if another is available.  

Questions regarding vaccine exemptions (from a Catholic perspective) have to do with a secular civil liberties question: whether or not the government can require someone to show proof of vaccination to be permitted to do something.  For example, it is well known that in New York State, the following vaccines are required for daycare, pre-K, and all school attendance: 

  • Diphtheria and Tetanus toxoid-containing vaccine and Pertussis vaccine (DTaP or Tdap) 
  • Hepatitis B vaccine 
  • Measles, Mumps and Rubella vaccine (MMR) 
  • Polio vaccine 
  • Varicella (Chickenpox) vaccine

Some people are asking the Catholic Church to support a religious exemption from the COVID vaccines. This issue should be properly pursued on civil liberties grounds, or on the grounds of one’s “personal” beliefs, but not on the basis of the teachings of the Catholic Church.  The Church cannot say that there is a “Catholic” religious objection to the vaccine when one does not exist. 

SVDP Friends of the Poor Walk

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul invites you to join us to walk 3.1 miles or make a donation to help.

Saturday, September 25 Bethpage Community Park

Check-in: 9 am – Walk: 10 am

Click here to register or donate online: Team Fundraiser St. Boniface Martyr Walkers

Donations may also be sent to:

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul
St. Boniface Martyr Conference
145 Glen Avenue
Sea Cliff, NY 11579

Your donation to the Friends of the Poor 5K Walk/Run could make the difference for those in temporary need in our community. If you are in a position to give financially, please help our struggling neighbors get back on their feet and on a pathway to self-sufficiency. Thank you!

Your Neighbors Need You!

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul helps approximately 150,000 Long Islanders in need each year. From the Queens-Nassau Border to the East End, we provide people struggling with the effects of poverty with the financial, material, emotional, and spiritual assistance they require to overcome poverty and become self-sufficient. We need you to continue the work we have been doing in our parish for more than 86 years.

Unable to Walk or Run? You Can Still Help . . .

by making a donation to “SVDP at St. Boniface Martyr” with the word “walk” in the memo area and placing your check in the St. Vincent de Paul box by the choir loft stairs in the church vestibule, or by mailing your donation to:

SVDP St. Boniface
145 Glen Avenue
Sea Cliff, NY,  11579

Resumed Parish Ministries

St. Boniface Martyr ministries are beginning to resume in-person meetings. Stay tuned for more . . .

St. Boniface Martyr ministries are beginning to resume in-person meetings. Stay tuned for more . . .

Meeting Third Sundays: Bereavement Support Group

Anyone dealing with the loss of a loved one is welcome. For information and details about our next meeting, contact Dr. David Meagher at 516-458-0596 or Learn more…

Meeting Mondays: Charismatic Prayer Group

Looking for a deeper relationship with God? You are invited to be touched by God’s love in a weekly evening of prayer with contemporary praise and worship music. Resumes meeting in person August 16, 2021, in the church narthex from 7:30 pm-8:30 pm. Call John and Rosemary Murello at 516-676-2767 for more information. Learn more…

Meeting Tuesdays: Women of Faith Book Group

Meets monthly. The morning group will resume in person on the parish center porch on July 13, 2021, from 10 am – 11 am and the evening group will resume in person on August 3, 2021, in the church narthex from 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm. We are reading My Cousin, the Saint by Justin Catanoso. New members welcome! For more information contact Pat Fox at Learn more…

Meeting Third Wednesdays: St. Vincent de Paul Society

Meets at 7:30 pm in the church narthex. Next meeting: July 21, 2021. To give thanks for all that God has given to you, have you considered answering the call to help serve the poor by joining the St. Vincent de Paul Society? Call 516-676-0676 x124 for information. Learn more…

Meeting Thursdays: Scripture Study

Resumes meeting in-person weekly on August 19, 2021, from 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm in the church narthex. We are studying the Gospel of John. Call John and Rosemary Murello at 516-676-2767 for more information. Learn more…

Meeting Third Saturdays: Lay Carmelites

Lay Carmelites of  Blessed Titus Brandsma meets monthly at 9am-12pm in the parish center. Next meeting: July 18. Contact Flora at 516-676-9375 for more information.