Streamed Christmas Masses

Severe Weather Alert

On Thursday, December 17, 2020, all Parish Offices will be closed because of severe winter storm conditions. No 8 AM daily Mass and 10 AM Funeral Mass for Karen Schenck postponed until Friday, December 18 at 10 AM.

Christmas Around the World

The virtual Christmas Around the World on December 5, 2020 was a success.  Here is the link to the video that we aired on the livestream.  You can watch it by clicking this link or catching the replay on our Facebook page.  You will see a couple of guest appearances!!!
Click Here To View: Christmas Around The World 2020 ~ 5th Anniversary Virtual Event

The Christmas Around the World 5th Anniversary was a Virtual Facebook live-stream compilation of acts and representations from around the globe. 

All Souls Day

Special All Souls Day Mass

There will be an All Souls Day Mass at 4pm on Sunday, November 1,  to remember all those who have died during this past year. The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls Day) is Monday, November 2. Mass will be celebrated at 8am.

St. Elvis Final Vows

Streamed Live on our Parish Facebook Page

A recording of the streamed Mass may be viewed here:

Farewell, Fr. Perera

Fr. Perera’s Bishop, His Eminence Malcolm Cardinal Ramjith, Archbishop of Columbo, has appointed Fr. Perera as Dean and Chairperson of St. Thomas Aquinas College in Columbo effective immediately.  Fr. Perera is arranging for travel to his native country Sri Lanka and will be leaving St. Boniface Martyr Church in mid-October.  A special Mass of Thanksgiving was celebrated on Sunday, October 4 to thank Fr. Perera for his service to St. Boniface, wish him well in his new position, and for safe travels back to Sri Lanka.   We wish Fr. Perera farewell and congratulations!  May God continue to bless your Ministry and Priesthood!

This is a recording a of the October 4, 2020 Mass of Thanksgiving bidding fond farewell to Fr. Perera.
A Mass of Thanksgiving will be celebrated on Sunday, October 4 at 10:30 am to thank Fr. Perera for his service.

First Communion Masses

Sunday Masses for August 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th will be live streamed on Facebook at 12 noon, since First Communion will take place at those Masses. Since the number of people who may attend in person is limited due to the Covid-19 crisis, live-streaming will allow people who can’t be admitted to still be part of the celebration, at least virtually.

Bringing Christ to Campus

A Letter from Bishop Barres to College Students

Words of Advice for College Students Striving for Holiness

Justice, Peace and Unity

A Special Message from our Priests:

Fr. Kevin Dillon speaking on Justice, Peace and Unity in Diversity

A Statement from Bishop Barres on Racism:

First Communion Blessing

Drive-by Blessing

Even though First Communion is being postponed to a later date, we want to celebrate you now! Dress up in your First Communion outfit and drive by the church with your family for a blessing from the priests and well wishes from Mrs. Croce and your catechists! Receive your “drive by blessing” and your Bible on Saturday, June 13th @ 11 am in front of the church. No need to get out of your car….Just drive through in the line up on Glen Avenue!