St. Boniface Feast Day Family Fun
Get some fresh air and support your parish at the same time!
Serving the People of God on the Gold Coast of Long Island
Get some fresh air and support your parish at the same time!
There will be a special Mass streamed online at 10:00 am Friday, June 5, 2020 in celebration of the Feast of St. Boniface, our patron saint.
Get some fresh air and support your parish at the same time!
Honor the special Fathers, Grandfathers, Godfathers, and caregivers in your life during our Parish’s Father’s Day Novena.
Click here to obtain regular Mass Cards or to arrange for Mass Intentions safely online.
Honor the special Mothers, Godmother’s, Grandmothers and caregivers in your life during our Parish’s Mother’s Day Novena.
The Rosary will be prayed on Zoom and Facebook Live! Please join us there! Schedule as follows:
Zoom users: use id number 921-737-0728.
On Facebook Live, visit our Parish Facebook Page. “Like” and “Follow” us there to receive notices when the streamed Rosary begins.
Starting Sunday, May 3, 2020 “Drive – By Blessings” will be given in front of St. Boniface Church on Sundays from 9:45 am to 10:15 am and then again from 12 noon until 12:20 pm.
Please have anyone needing help call 516-676-0676, ext 124 to leave a message. A member of the St. Vincent de Paul Society will contact them as soon as possible. God bless you.
In a spirit of justice, charity and personal involvement, the Society seeks to provide aid and comfort to the poor, the afflicted and the lonely. Members help personally to provide advocacy and support – in the form of food vouchers, financial assistance, clothing and furniture.
During the crisis, St. Boniface Outreach/Pantry operates on a need-to-assist basis. Please assist us by providing us with the names and addresses of anyone needing food but unable get out to shop. If you know someone, please call the parish office at 516-676-0676 extension 125 and leave the person’s name, address and telephone number.
St. Boniface Outreach will arrange to have food delivered, while employing all necessary safety practices. Thank you, and stay well.
145 Glen Avenue
Sea Cliff, NY 11579
Telephone: 516-676-0676
Office Hours: Tues, Wed, Thurs, 9am-3pm
Learn about for our Religious Education program for the 2024/25 School year.
Our Parish Bulletin appears online each week and is shared on social media and by email.
Sunday Mass at 10:30 am; daily Mass at 8:00 am M-F and Sat at 9:00 am are streamed online.
Please enter your information below to stay in touch digitally with St. Boniface.
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