125th Anniversary Mass and Celebration
An Anniversary Mass and Celebration took place at St. Boniface on Saturday, September 16, 2023.
“Our Journey Continues”
A new publication:
This small book continues a lovely tradition followed through the years by parishioners who took milestones such as the 50th, 75th, and 100th anniversaries of the parish, and other moments where the Spirit moved various parishioner/scribes, as occasions to chronicle the story of our parish.
Editors Julie Byrne and Robert P. Lynch have taken the liberty of casting a fresh eye upon those earlier compilations, reworking and updating them.
Julie has been the Bulletin Editor and Robert has been the Social Media Coordinator for the parish. Over the past 25 years and have been curating parish history, in order to preserve it and make it available to the families and friends of St. Boniface Parish. They are in the process of digitalizing the many publications and photos detailing parish life that are preserved in our parish archives, and we hope to continue helping to make them available to those interested in the history of our parish and its continuing journey.