Lent, Holy Week and Easter

Lent, Holy Week and Easter 2025 at  St. Boniface Martyr Parish

New Roof Project

Dear St. Boniface Family,

I am writing to ask for your financial support for some significant work that needs to be done
at our parish. I understand that there is never a good time to ask for money and I promised
that I would only ask when it is truly needed. That time has come.

After years of patches and temporary repairs on the Church, School and Rectory roofs, it is now time to replace them. They have all reached the point where further delay could result in significant damage to these buildings that have served generations of St. Boniface families.

Our Building Committee and Finance Council have carefully evaluated the recommendations of the diocesan construction office and our roofing contractor, and our conclusion is that replacing these roofs is not a choice but a necessity. Continued patching will only lead to more expensive repairs, potential damage to building interiors and increased maintenance costs.

  • Phase 1: Church Roof Cost: $160,000 Spring 2025
  • Phase 2: School Roof Cost: $110,000 Summer 2025
  • Phase 3: Rectory Roof Cost: $30,000 Fall 2025

I understand every household has a different financial situation. Therefore, the appeal has a few ways of giving. You may choose to give one lump sum or multiple installments that work with your budget.

  • Sunday Collection: Place your gift in any envelope marked “New Roof Project” and drop it in the weekly collection basket or at the Parish Office.
  • Electronic Giving: Donate through Faith Direct, Venmo, or your Bank’s online bill pay.
  • Corporate matching gifts or IRA Distribution.

While I recognize the challenge this presents, addressing these needs now will prevent more costly repairs in the future. All contributions are tax-deductible, and receipts will be provided for your records. Every gift, regardless of size, helps us protect our parish buildings for future generations.

I am available to meet with any Parishioner who has questions about this important project.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me to schedule a meeting to discuss the project details, timeline, or any other concerns you may have. Updates on the progress will be shared weekly and shown on the Appeal Thermometer in the Church Vestibule.

Thank you for your understanding and generous support of this essential project.

Fr. Josef

Jubilee 2025

The Church around the world looks toward 2025 as the Jubilee Year of Hope marking the 2,025th anniversary of the Incarnation of our Lord. 

As the Holy Father explained in his February 2022 letter regarding the Jubilee Year: “We must fan the flame of hope that has been given us and help everyone to gain new strength and certainty by looking to the future with an open spirit, a trusting heart and far-sighted vision. The forthcoming Jubilee can contribute greatly to restoring a climate of hope and trust as a prelude to the renewal and rebirth that we so urgently desired…” 

Religious Education 2024-25


The St. Boniface Parish Religious Education Program assists parents with the sacred responsibility of educating their children in the Catholic faith. For more information, please contact Lorraine O’Sullivan at 516-671-0418 or by email at stbonreligioused@gmail.com.

Church of St. Boniface Martyr Faith Formation Program 2024-25


  • All Baptismal information must be included, even if this is a re-registration!
  • Please complete and return this form WITH YOUR SIGNED PARENT AGREEMENT via email with proof of electronic payment to StBonReligiousEd@gmail.com, or with a check to the Parish Office (Tu, W, Th 9:00-3:00).
  • Class Registration Fees:
  • There is no fee for the students of our volunteer teachers Please reach out to volunteer!
  • Please do not wait to register your child as you consider the schedules for their extracurricular activities.

How to Register

1. Download and Complete the Registration Forms:

Please download, print, and complete the following Registration and Parental Agreement forms:

2. Submit:

  • Print and complete the registration forms and return them via email to stbonreligioused@gmail.com as soon as possible OR
  • Drop off the forms at the Parish Center at 145 Glen Ave., Sea Cliff, NY, 11579.

3. Payment:

  • Class Registration Fees:
    • $250 for 1st child,
    • $225 for each additional child.
    • $100 Sacrament fee (2nd and 8th grades only).
  • There is no fee for the students of our volunteer teachers Please reach out to volunteer!

Please click here to submit your payment via Faith Direct or type
https://membership.faithdirect.net/givenow/NY820/25277 into your browser.

Read the Parish Bulletin weekly for updates.

2024-25 St. Boniface Faith Formation Class Days

Thank you and stay safe and well!

Any questions please call the Religious Education Office at 516-671-0418.

Events Committee

Social activities help bring our community together and assist our parish.

St. Boniface Martyr Church is your parish!

We look forward to celebrating these special times together with everyone’s help!

Save these Dates!

Next Events Committee Meeting:

Our next meeting will be in the school meeting room.

·       Christmas Around the World: Saturday, December 7, 2024.

·   Easter Egg Hunt: Sunday, April 20, 2025.

·       Feast by the Shore 2025: May 15 – 18, 2025.

·       Mardi Gras Party (not a casino night) in February.

·       A Night at the Races

·       St. Patrick’s Dinner in March

 ·       Scavenger Hunt

·       Dinner Cruise

St. Boniface Martyr Church is your parish!
We look forward to celebrating these special times together
with everyone’s help!

Mass Schedule

Mass Schedule:

  • Daily Mass is celebrated at 8 am Monday through Friday and 9 am on Saturday.
  • Sunday Mass: Vigil Mass Saturday at 4 PM; Sunday at 8:00 AM and 10:30 AM
  • Notes: The sick or vulnerable due to age or health conditions are encouraged to remain at home. Those unable to attend in person may view our Streamed Masses (see below).

All Sunday, Daily and Holy Day Masses are celebrated
in the church building.

Masses Streamed Online

We stream Sunday Mass at 10:30 AM, Weekday Daily Mass at 8:00 AM, Saturday Daily Mass at 9:00 am, and other selected liturgies. Live-streamed or recorded Masses and services may viewed below or at these links:

  1. St. Boniface Martyr Facebook Page 
  2. St. Boniface Website

Website and app for finding Mass times and locations while traveling.

Parish Outreach

About Us

St. Boniface Parish Outreach is located at our Parish Center building, 145 Glen Street, Sea Cliff, NY 11579. When visiting please use the side entrance on the Carpenter Avenue side of the building.

  • We run a food pantry and a thrift shop.
  • We provide food to families and individuals free of charge.
  • We also sell clothing and household items through our thrift shop.

Hours: Saturdays 10 am – 1 PM

   Jody Fleischmann & David Meagher
               516-676-0676 x125

email: davidkmeagher@gmail.com


For more information, please call Jody Fleischmann and David Meagher at (516) 676-0676 x 125.

Parish Calendar

We have instituted a new, highly detailed, and publicly accessible digital Parish Calendar.

Click here to view the calendar.

St. Vincent De Paul Society

The St. Vincent de Paul Society meets on the Third Wednesday of the month at 7:30 pm in the parish center.

Please call 676-0676 x 124 for details. In the Gospel, we hear Simeon say to Mary: “… your own soul shall be pierced with a sword—so that the thoughts of many hearts may be laid bare.” Your generosity enables the Society of St. Vincent de Paul to bring hope to parents whose hearts are burdened with worries and concerns.

St. Vincent de Paul

We help people!

Meets on the third Wednesday of every month at 7:30 pm in the church narthex.  To give thanks for all that God has given to you, have you considered answering the call to help serve the poor by joining the St. Vincent de Paul Society? Call 516-676-0676 x124 for details.

In a spirit of justice, charity and personal involvement, the St. Vincent De Paul Society seeks to provide aid and comfort to the poor, the afflicted and the lonely.  Members of the Society make personal home visits; provide advocacy and support usually in the form of food vouchers, financial assistance, clothing and furniture.  (Training provided.)

“Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread”.  When we pray the Our Father, we ask God to provide our food and necessities. The majority of us receive sufficient food. Others do not. We can be our Father’s instrument by providing “bread” for the needy, particularly during these difficult times. You do this by your contributions to the St. Vincent de Paul Society

Thanks to all who contribute to our St. Boniface St. Vincent de Paul Conference. We were able to help many of our neighbors. Some people had no money for food, others no beds – they were sleeping on the floor – or there was no heat or electricity!

Help Those in Need on Long Island by donating your gently used furniture to the St. Vincent de Paul Society

  • We pick up items
  • We give furniture to our neighbors in need.
  • Your donations are tax-deductible

Buying a new car? Donate Your old one!  Donate your car, boat, motorcycle, or truck to help others!

Help us help others on Long Island by donating your motor vehicle, boat or even real estate.  Proceeds from sales of these items will go directly to helping our neighbors in need.

516-676-0676 x 124


At the Heart of the Vincentian Ministry is the “home visit”

by pairs of Vincentians, not as invasive bureaucrats, but rather caring representatives of Christ’s love, through the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. There is reciprocity, mutuality, in the service of Vincentians through the home visit that transforms the help from something that may have been humiliating into something that is honorable. The Vincentians performed approximately 915 hours in service to those neighbors during the last fiscal year.

The Society initially was started at St. Boniface when parishioners formed a conference in 1934. The “home visit”, unique to the ministry and character of the Society, provides an opportunity for the deprived to communicate their individual needs with dignity in the comfort of their homes, and for the Vincentian visitors to analyze and respond to those identified needs.  The Society respects their privacy and all information is kept confidential.

Sometimes the most appreciated benefit conveyed by the Vincentians is the fact that they cared enough to visit the needy and forgotten, regardless of race or religious belief.

St. Vincent de Paul’s Impact Across LI

 Summary of Services:

  •  Home Visits: 6,003
  •  Volunteer Hours: 119,217
  •  People Helped with Clothing: 3,346
  •  People Helped with Furniture: 1,848
  •  Total People Assisted: 150,000
  •  Hospital/Nursing Home/Hospital Visits: 9,206

Ministries of Service and Social Care

The primary goal of The Ministry of Service and The Ministry of Social Care at Saint Boniface Martyr Church is to serve both the Spiritual and Corporal needs of our neighbors and bring them and ourselves closer to God.  With the Eucharist and prayer at the center of our lives, our mission is to be a welcoming, caring, hospitable parish to all.

Here’s How We Will Help You:
Do you or someone you know require assistance with any of the following?If so, please contact:
Dealing with the loss of a loved oneThe Bereavement Support Group.
David Meagher at 516-676-0676 x 131
Arranging a home visit by a Priest or laypersonThe Parish Office at 516-676-0676
Rent, utility bills, clothing, furniture, other financial needs, or guidance with long term stabilityThe Saint Vincent de Paul Society.
Jovanna Lemonda at 516-676-0676. x 125
Receiving the sacraments at home, hospital, or Nursing HomeThe Parish Office 516-676-0676.
A Priest or Eucharistic Minister will contact you.
Food, clothing, household itemsThe Outreach Pantry and Thrift Shop
               Hours: Saturdays 10 am – 12 Noon
               Jody Fleischmann & David Meagher
               516-676-0676 x125