The St. Boniface Parish Religious Education Program assists parents with the sacred responsibility of educating their children in the Catholic faith. For more information, please contact Lorraine O’Sullivan at 516-671-0418 or by email at stbonreligioused@gmail.com.
Church of St. Boniface Martyr Faith Formation Program 2024-25

- All Baptismal information must be included, even if this is a re-registration!
- Please complete and return this form WITH YOUR SIGNED PARENT AGREEMENT via email with proof of electronic payment to StBonReligiousEd@gmail.com, or with a check to the Parish Office (Tu, W, Th 9:00-3:00).
- Class Registration Fees:
- There is no fee for the students of our volunteer teachers Please reach out to volunteer!
- Please do not wait to register your child as you consider the schedules for their extracurricular activities.
How to Register
1. Download and Complete the Registration Forms:
Please download, print, and complete the following Registration and Parental Agreement forms:
2. Submit:
- Print and complete the registration forms and return them via email to stbonreligioused@gmail.com as soon as possible OR
- Drop off the forms at the Parish Center at 145 Glen Ave., Sea Cliff, NY, 11579.
3. Payment:
- Class Registration Fees:
- $250 for 1st child,
- $225 for each additional child.
- $100 Sacrament fee (2nd and 8th grades only).
- There is no fee for the students of our volunteer teachers Please reach out to volunteer!
Please click here to submit your payment via Faith Direct or type
https://membership.faithdirect.net/givenow/NY820/25277 into your browser.

Read the Parish Bulletin weekly for updates.
2024-25 St. Boniface Faith Formation Class Days
Thank you and stay safe and well!
Any questions please call the Religious Education Office at 516-671-0418.