Our Parish Bulletin
Read the Parish Bulletin for September 22, 2013 and archived past issues.

Oktoberfest will be back this year by popular demand, on October 5, 2013, complete with a live German band, Bavarian dancers and wonderful German food and beer! Ticket sales start 8/31.

Religious Education Back to School Information
Religious Education classes start during the week of September 22. Back to School Night September 25. See Schedule here.
Pilgrimage to National Basilica: September 28, 2013
We will be participating in an historic Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Basilica of the National Shrine in Washington. on September 28, 2013.

Youth Ministry
See our Schedule here. Our Youth Group gives teens the opportunity to meet and foster lasting friendships while exploring our faith and belief.

All Saints Regional Catholic School
All Saints Regional Catholic School (ASR) is our parish school, with Nursery, Pre-K and K through 8 programs.
Parish Facebook Pages
Our Parish maintains a variety of Facebook pages; feel free to connect with us there!